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Monday, January 23, 2017

How Do You Motivate People in The Digital Age? Try Gamification.

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Lately I've noticed a pattern in my work; whether it's a CEO, a small business owner, teacher or parent—the same question keeps popping up: HOW do I motivate today's young person?

Now they are NOT asking me how to motivate a 15 year old. They are talking about anyone who is 40 years of age and younger! This may be confusing to many a Baby Boomer...why is this generation so resistant to growing up? I explain it in detail in my award-winning book Liquid Leadership, but for now, let me give you a simple breakdown:

Remember Bruce Dern and Ann-Margret in the 1980 comedy Middle Age Crazy? Bruce Dern is a 39 year old man about to turn 40. This was considered Middle Age when I was a kid. I was 17 when I saw it and thought he was so old. 40 was light years away for me and I kept asking "why did I have to wind up like him?"

Although it has some pretty harsh language, Bruce Dern's Graduation Speech from the movie is worth watching. And it says it all about this next generation.

Anyone born after 1977 was not raised like Baby Boomers or Traditionalists. They were raised to follow their passion. Live life doing what they want. Question everything. And NEVER give yourself over 100% to a company that doesn't value your contribution. They've been encouraged to speak up and tell their personal truth. Working at one company for 25 years is a waste of time. Where Boomers worked hard and sacrificed to have the good life, Millennials believe that life and work should be in balance. And now we wonder WHY 71% of employees are disengaged.

If you want ENGAGEMENT...and I mean real engagement, I recommend Gamification.


So, what is Gamification? Here's my definition:
"Gamification is the use of game-like strategies and tactics to give end-users the incentive to solve problems and preform tasks in order to obtain specific rewards and goals. Many of these action/reward tasks are done without the realization of the person preforming the tasks."

Your credit card company and bank have used Gamification in their rewards programs for YEARS. Airlines use it as well: "fly this many times, redeem your miles for stuff." It's Gamification in action. Simple. It gives people incentive to do more because they get rewarded for their actions.

Now how does this apply to your business? Nicolette Beard says it best on her TopRank® Online Marketing Blog: Gamification as a Content Marketing Tactic — How Brands Are Engaging Consumers. Take a moment to read her work. She lays down the pros and cons of Gamification.

But for me, how can we apply Gamification as a management tool? In my own Cross-Generational work, I recommend micro-incentives to managers and executives. Let the team determine goals and rewards. Meet a deadline, the company pays for a weekend retreat.

What makes it different for us Boomers is we were expected to wait all year for an evaluation and a raise. If we didn't get it, we still stayed with the company. But today, research has found that most people want to be appreciated. If they do not feel so, they leave.  

Time to GAMIFY Your Corporate Incentive Programs.

Gamification gives a shorter cycle of rewards and incentives. Unlike Boomers waiting all year for that raise, or Generation Y getting a trophy for showing up, the shorter Gamification life-cycle requires people to get the work done FIRST before getting a plaque to hang in their office.

Want to achieve what appears to be an impossible goal at your company? Lay out a map. Break it into simple achievable goals for each team. Let the team determine the strategies for getting there. And once achieved, determine the rewards. BEFORE you begin. And get a project manager to oversee it all.

Make it fun. Worth the effort. And EMOTIONALLY engaging! 

Many Fortune 500 companies are using Gamification driven software over their intranets to keep project management transparent and on task.

In order to keep the Next Generation on task and engaged, try Gamification in your company. After all, they are used to it. They've played over 10,000 hours each on some form of video game: Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Mario Brothers, Final Fantasy, Halo, etc...

Gamification can be used for accelerated learning, ROI, tight deadlines or keeping people on task. 

Let me know how it goes...and don't forget, I can help you set up an incentive program for your company.

Thanks for stopping by...


Brad Szollose
Global Management Consultant
Cross Generational Leadership Development & Workforce Performance Strategies
Executive Coach

Brad Szollose (pronounced zolis), is a globally recognized Management Consultant and the foremost authority on Millennials and Cross-Generational Leadership Development Strategies.

 Brad Szollose Preparing The Next Generation of C-Level LeadersTEDX Speaker, Web pioneer and the author of the award-winning, bestseller Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia, Brad is a former C-level executive of a publicly traded company that he cofounded that went from entrepreneurial start-up to IPO in three years; the first Dot Com Agency to go public on NASDAQ. His company K2 Design, experienced 425% hyper-growth, due in part to a unique management style that won his company the Arthur Andersen NY Enterprise Award for Best Practices in Fostering Innovation.
Today the world’s leading business publications seek out Brad’s insights on Millennials, and he has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, New York Magazine, Inc., Advertising Age, The International Business Times, and The Hindu BusinessLine to name a few, along with television, radio and podcast appearances on CBS and other media outlets. 

Brad's programs have transformed a new generation of business leaders, helping them maximize their corporate culture, expectations, productivity, and sales growth in The Information Age. 

Pick Up Brad's books...Liquid Leadership and the latest...

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition. 

#1 Bestseller on Amazon in Hot New Releases!!!

Click here for Brad Szollose Author Page on Amazon...

Monday, January 16, 2017

How to Truly Connect With Millennials,...
and What It Will Do
For Your Business

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This article originally appeared on Alan Samuel Cohen's Blog. Big thank you to Alan for letting me be a Guest Blogger:

The term “Millennial” is being brandished about these days like a bit of juicy gossip at a high society luncheon. If any one group has gotten this generation so utterly wrong, it is the mainstream media. Stories seem to vacillate from coddled crybabies who need a safe space to toddler CEOs seeking billion-dollar unicorn status.

Even the New York Times jumped on the Millennial-bashing bandwagon with an article in March of 2016 entitled What Happens When Millennials Run The Workplace? It was nothing more than a caricature of an office being run like a frat house where traversing the halls on hover boards seemed to be their core business model.

All I can say is; “Dear Mainstream Media, PLEASE STOP! You’re embarrassing yourselves.”

Making a connection with Millennials starts with understanding them first. As the media starts another round of Millennial bashing, instead let’s dig in and get rid of the stereotypes.

Start By Taking Millennials’ Contributions Seriously

Boomers, remember when you were 25 and your boss hung on every word that came out of your mouth? You can’t remember because it never happened.

No one wanted to hear anything from us back when we were in our twenties. Boomers were expected to sit down, shut up and listen. As middle-aged adults, even when someone is only 3 years older than us, the ubiquitous phrase “Oh, you’re a BABY…” slips into the conversation.

Why were we devalued simply because of age?

Part of the reason for this was our generation had to work our way up through the ranks, gaining experience along the way. Boomers AND Generation X know this well. Experience took time. Lots and lots of time to earn your place in the company.

But something shifted from 1977 to 1984. The next generation we call X as well as Millennials were exposed to computers at a very early age. At first we saw them as toys—video games, Speak & Spell, Teddy Ruxpin, etc…and eventually the Apple Macintosh entered our homes. That gave anyone born after 1977 the hard skills to work in the 21st Century.

While you may believe Millennials were influenced by technology, that is only part of the puzzlethey also grew up working in teams, using groups and individual skill sets to get things accomplished. Online and video gaming taught GenX AND Millennials that leadership was rotational according to what was needed in the moment. Like commandos in the field, games taught them to be highly strategic, knowing the mission parameters and expected outcomes during game play.

Gaming also teaches something else that no one is talking about; Digital Natives cannot wait for a decision to go up through the chain of command. Speed requires communication bottlenecks be destroyed in favor of front line decision-making. This requires no authority figures that control workflow, but instead a peer-to-peer work environment that thrives on real-time decision-making.

The last piece of the puzzle is parenting. Millennials grew up in households where their parents were not authority figures to be feared and obeyed but trusted mentors, advisors and career counselors, as well as friends—my father is rolling in his grave over that last one.

Ask a Millennial if they see their parents as a friend or mentor and most will say yes without hesitation. Not all, but most. 

This is why Millennials may see the CEO as approachable. Of course they know you are important, but they also see you as someone they can have a casual chat with, or someday become a CEO as well. Easy peasy. And if you are unaware of what is happening in the real world of business and technology, they can see you as a Noob, bringing company productivity to a standstill. And you wouldn’t know it, which frustrates them.

In other words, your 30 years of experience may be what is holding the company back in the Digital Age.

It is time to see Millennials as contributors instead of young entry-level workers who need to stay on the 16-year trajectory you and I were raised with. That ideology simply doesn’t exist anymore. The corner office is a 20th Century status symbol my friends.

Speed and contribution to a team is the 21st Century model…even if your team members are scattered throughout the country in three different time zones.

I hope that helps. Understand this; Millennials, Gamers, Digital Natives, whatever you wish to call them, do not know why they are different. Instead of treating them the way we were treated at the same age, try opening up and make peace. You’ll be astounded what is happening inside that young mind.

If you haven’t asked your Millennial team members for their input, or defined what is expected of them, don’t be surprised that they leave.

And next time the media calls Millennials ‘Generation Snowflake,’ remind them that UFC champions Conor McGregor, Demetrious Johnson and Jon Jones are all Millennials.

Thank you to Alan Cohen for this guest blog spot. An honor.

See you next week...

Brad Szollose
Global Management Consultant
Cross Generational Leadership Development & Workforce Performance Strategies
Executive Coach

Brad Szollose (pronounced zolis), is a globally recognized Management Consultant and the foremost authority on Millennials and Cross-Generational Leadership Development Strategies.

 Brad Szollose Preparing The Next Generation of C-Level LeadersTEDX Speaker, Web pioneer and the author of the award-winning, bestseller Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia, Brad is a former C-level executive of a publicly traded company that he cofounded that went from entrepreneurial start-up to IPO in three years; the first Dot Com Agency to go public on NASDAQ. His company K2 Design, experienced 425% hyper-growth, due in part to a unique management style that won his company the Arthur Andersen NY Enterprise Award for Best Practices in Fostering Innovation.
Today the world’s leading business publications seek out Brad’s insights on Millennials, and he has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, New York Magazine, Inc., Advertising Age, The International Business Times, and The Hindu BusinessLine to name a few, along with television, radio and podcast appearances on CBS and other media outlets. 

Brad's programs have transformed a new generation of business leaders, helping them maximize their corporate culture, expectations, productivity, and sales growth in The Information Age. 

Pick Up Brad's new book...

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition. 

#1 Bestseller on Amazon in Hot New Releases!!!

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Millennials in The Workplace: How Different Are They, Really?

Vinnie DiSalvo: Guest Blogger

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Last week I had the chance to watch Simon Sinek's video on 'Millennials in The Workplace.' I liked what he says simply because it is exactly what I've been saying since 1996; if you wish to understand the next generation, you have to start with HOW they were raised.

I discovered FOUR major influences that caused Millennials and even Generation X to act the way they do...if you can answer WHY, then all the data on Millennials begins to make sense.

So naturally, I reposted Simon's interview on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. It took all of two days before people started going "hey Brad, did you see this?" linking of course to Simon's most excellent interview in Australia on the television show Inside Quest with Tom Bilyeu.

The following also crossed my desk...from professional colleague and fan of my work Vinnie DiSalvo. The original post is on LinkedIn.

Vinnie DiSalvo on LinkedIn

"A lot has been written over the last several years on generations in the workplace. The last 24 months has led American businesses to see something that has never witnessed: up to five generations working together at the same time.

From HBR’s article: (Click Here to View)

They include:
  • Traditionalists, born prior to 1946
  • Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964
  • Gen X, born between 1965 and 1976
  • Millennials, born between 1977 and 1997
  • Gen 2020, born after 1997
*Note there are varying thoughts on the “born between/after dates” associated with each generation.

Faced with this unprecedented occurrence, organizations have been scrambling to get their arms around how to better understand the needs and goals of those different generations. There is another great article from with some insights into some principles to remember. (Click Here to View)


For those curious, I’m a student of Brad Szollose, and have adopted several his ideas in my own work on understanding the “21st Century Workforce Culture and Customer.”

In this article, I wanted to share some of my thoughts on a video making it’s rounds on social media. “Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace”

In the interest of full disclosure, two quick points: 1) I am a huge Simon Sinek fan and have been since his 2010 TED Talk on How Great Leaders Inspire Action. 2) I’m going to be “painting” with a very broad brush with my comments and while it should be understood, I will say, there are certainly people and situations where my thoughts might not apply.

Onto Millennials – shocker, I couldn’t agree more with some of the thoughts expressed by Simon in his “millennial” video. The one caveat I would insert is that much of what he discussed can also be applied to multiple generations.

In this video, Simon constructs his lesson around 4 main pieces that he describes as key to understanding the disconnect between business and millennials. (Those born 1984 and after, according to the video.)

Those four are:

  • Parenting
  • Technology
  • Impatience
  • Environment

As I mentioned above, while characteristics can be imposed on broader groups, we can most certainly find outliers within each generational group that these lessons can be applied.

For example – Technology – While Millennials are said to be the first truly “Digital Native” generation, the impact that technology has played on all the generations, more specifically Baby Boomers and Gen X, is far reaching.

Simon goes on to draw the parallel between the dopamine induced high an addict experiences when they get their “fix”, to the experience we all feel when we get a “text”, a “snap” or a “like” on social media. Here is where I think the overlap is in our generations, or really anyone who is “addicted” to technology. Whether you’re a digital native or not, you can easily become addicted. I know plenty of senior leaders who fall strongly in the Baby Boomer or Gen X range that can’t or won’t stop staring at their devices.

To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others
I think we can all learn something from Simon’s message, in some cases we must learn for the first time and in other cases we need to re-learn how to interact with people on a deeper less superficial way. That said, my own thoughts diverge slightly. When it comes to customers, (and make no mistake about it, we are all in sales, and everyone is our customer, no matter what we do for a living - See Dan Pink’s work in his book “To Sell Is Human”) I’m a big proponent of the idea that we need to go where the customer/audience is or where they are going to be, but certainly not where they were 10-15 years ago. While these social skills may be lacking and I do agree that we should do our part as organizations to help develop those skills, I think we also need to learn to engage people where they are, and within their comfort zones.

Engaging people in the spaces where they are comfortable is the first step in making this transition. Does it “really” make sense to force someone who is use to, and comfortable with, texting to stop and engage face-to-face. Certainly not, I think. However if you can utilize that modality to begin the engagement process, it can be a jumping off point for deeper more long term connection.

The third area that Simon discusses is impatience. Sure, there are millennials that are riddled with this scourge of a trait. But I ask you, who among us wasn’t when they were in their early 20’s, filled with optimism and vigor. I think it may be exacerbated by many of the factors that Simon mentions, but I’m going to chalk a big portion of this up to immaturity on a business level or lack of business experience. As a whole however, I do think that impatience is a real problem in today’s organizations and I’ll try here to connect the concepts of impatience and environment from Simon’s talk.

Since the recession of 2008-09, many organizations bowed to their lesser instincts (fight or flight) and have become more reactive than proactive in nature (pardon my anthropomorphizing of companies).

Monetary constraints along with a deeply lowered tolerance for risk has created an environment that is represented by cultures of “CYA”, find cost cutting at any expense, if you act it should have a profound, deep, and immediate impact. Now, while in the thick of it almost 9 years ago, this mindset was needed if you were going to come out intact on the other side of the recession. But something was lost in the intervening years. The idea that a project, initiative or employee might require investment, development, tolerance and most of all time to produce a tangible ROI, has almost vanished. Today’s leaders want results at all costs and they want them now. However what most don’t see is how at odds these two stories are with each other. On one hand, they want what they want and now, but in the same breath say that Millennials are unrealistic and want too much too quick. The hypocritical nature of the two is lost on them.

I believe, similar to what we’ve seen in politics, a race to the extremes has occurred in business since 2008. And what any good political scientist will tell you is that very little progress is made at the extremes. If we want five generations in the workforce to work together, we have to stop focusing on the little that divides us and learn to build on the vast majority of things that unites us. Companies with good leadership that have the tolerance for long term planning and execution can easily win the war for top talent. Establishing a clear vision, purpose and values and taking the longer term approach to executing on these will propel an organization deeper into the 21st Century. Those that simply react in the marketplace and look for short term gains will lose talent at a furious pace and will ultimately languish and die with their purse strings clutched tightly in their hands. "


Vinnie DiSalvo
Mr. DiSalvo has 15+ years in the Organizational Development space;  managing, design and implementation of workplace solutions for companies with over $2.5 billion in yearly revenue.

Vinnie has a track record of achieving substantial increases in operational efficiency, generating a 300% increase in retention of high performing staff and an annual revenue increase of nearly 75% during his tenure.

He also has a career history of developing key systems and processes which impacted over 3,500 employees nationwide, consistently working to ensure the highest caliber of operational systems and training offerings.


Vinnie, I cannot thank you enough for your interest in my work, and I LOVE the way this article ends. The last paragraph sums it all up nicely.

Thank you. See you next week my friends...

Brad Szollose
Global Management Consultant
Cross Generational Leadership Development & Workforce Performance Strategies
Executive Coach

Brad Szollose (pronounced zolis), is a globally recognized Management Consultant and the foremost authority on Millennials and Cross-Generational Leadership Development Strategies.

 Brad Szollose Preparing The Next Generation of C-Level LeadersTEDX Speaker, Web pioneer and the author of the award-winning, bestseller Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia, Brad is a former C-level executive of a publicly traded company that he cofounded that went from entrepreneurial start-up to IPO in three years; the first Dot Com Agency to go public on NASDAQ. His company K2 Design, experienced 425% hyper-growth, due in part to a unique management style that won his company the Arthur Andersen NY Enterprise Award for Best Practices in Fostering Innovation.
Today the world’s leading business publications seek out Brad’s insights on Millennials, and he has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, New York Magazine, Inc., Advertising Age, The International Business Times, and The Hindu BusinessLine to name a few, along with television, radio and podcast appearances on CBS and other media outlets. 

Brad's programs have transformed a new generation of business leaders, helping them maximize their corporate culture, expectations, productivity, and sales growth in The Information Age. 


Pick Up Brad's new book...


Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition. 

#1 Bestseller on Amazon in Hot New Releases!!!

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

How To Work
With Millennials:

David Burkus interviews Brad Szollose

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I was interviewed by David Burkus' on his show Radio Free Leader.

We had a fantastic time discussing my favorite generation; Millennials—and what caused you guys to be so radically different from previous generations. As Simon Sinek says, "Let's start with WHY?" Then we move into what today's modern company needs to do NOW to prepare them for leadership.

Here it is...enjoy.

How Do You Work With Millennials? by Brad Szollose
Brad Szollose is the foremost expert on cross-generational leadership development strategies and the award-winning author of Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia. 

Brad is a former C-level executive of a publicly traded company that he co-founded which went from entrepreneurial start-up to IPO in less than three years. 

In this interview, we discuss the new generation of business leaders, and how to help them maximize their cross-generational corporate culture, management expectations, productivity, and sales growth in The Information Age.

[Listen in iTunes] [Listen on Stitcher]


In This episode, You’ll Learn:

  • The Influential Wave of Technology on Millennials
  • Why Autonomy Leads to Working Harder
  • How to Separate Presence from Productivity

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Enjoy This Episode?

If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes or Stitcher and write a brief review. That would really help get the word out and raise the visibility of the show.

Who is David BurkusWho is David Burkus?

David Burkus is a best-selling author, an award-winning podcaster, and associate professor of management at Oral Roberts University. His latest book, Under New Management, challenges the traditional and widely accepted principles of business management and proves that they are outdated, outmoded, or simply don’t work — and reveals what does.

He’s delivered keynotes to the leaders of Fortune 500 companies and the future leaders of the United States Naval Academy. David is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and Inc.

Check Out his TEDTalk Here:
Why You Should Know How Much Your Coworkers Get Paid.

I hope you enjoyed the interview. David was an astounding interviewer.

See you next week...

Brad Szollose
Global Management Consultant
Cross Generational Leadership Development & Workforce Performance Strategies
Executive Coach

Brad Szollose (pronounced zolis), is a globally recognized Management Consultant and the foremost authority on Millennials and Cross-Generational Leadership Development Strategies.

 Brad Szollose Preparing The Next Generation of C-Level LeadersTEDX Speaker, Web pioneer and the author of the award-winning, bestseller Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia, Brad is a former C-level executive of a publicly traded company that he cofounded that went from entrepreneurial start-up to IPO in three years; the first Dot Com Agency to go public on NASDAQ. His company K2 Design, experienced 425% hyper-growth, due in part to a unique management style that won his company the Arthur Andersen NY Enterprise Award for Best Practices in Fostering Innovation.
Today the world’s leading business publications seek out Brad’s insights on Millennials, and he has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, New York Magazine, Inc., Advertising Age, The International Business Times, and The Hindu BusinessLine to name a few, along with television, radio and podcast appearances on CBS and other media outlets. 

Brad's programs have transformed a new generation of business leaders, helping them maximize their corporate culture, expectations, productivity, and sales growth in The Information Age. 

Pick Up Brad's new book...

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition. 

#1 Bestseller on Amazon in Hot New Releases!!!

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

My 2016 Year
in Review

Click Here for the Previous Article

Well here we are, another trip around the sun
as "they" say, and what do I have to show
for my efforts?

I thought 2014 was a breakout year considering all the travel I did...but this year surprised the heck out of me.

Out of Gratitude, I wish to share the many milestones that I've reached with friends, fans and clients. I have laid bare for all to see what IS possible if you keep working hard and stay on target. It HAS been a bumpy ride...
And like I always say...
"If I can accomplish these milestones, so can YOU."

So let's dig in on 2016, my year in review....thank you, thank you, thank you for the following: 

1. Spoke at TEDXTarrytown. 

On the Friday a Memorial Day weekend began here in the USA,  I received 2 emails that just blew me away; The first was I received comfirmation that I had been 1 of 5 speakers chosen to give a  TEDX Talk in Tarrytown NY, July 12th 2016. It took place at Temple Beth Abraham.

Here is the final video from that night...

The Age of Radical Disruption
Brad Szollose | TEDxTarrytown 

How Millennials and Serious Gaming Will Transform the Future of Everything:

I want to thank everyone so much for your support. This is a dream come true.

Here is a link to the speakers that shared the stage on July 12th, 2016 TEDxTarrytown:

2. Tony Robbins asked me to Develop a Webinar.

Tony Robbins Business Mastery Podcast

The same weekend I heard about the TEDX talk, I received ANOTHER email...from Tony Robbin's company. Turns out, while having dinner with Tony Robbins, a friend of mine recommended me to lead a Podcast training for Tony's Business Mastery Graduates!!!

"Hi Brad, 
We would like to feature you as a guest speaker for one of our monthly Business Mastery Webinars..."

Mind-blowing am I right? The hard work, the networking and the marketing are all starting to pay off. We had a few training sessions and I delivered the goods in my Webinar entitled "Cracking The Millennial Code: How Understanding Each Generation Will Make Your Company Thrive!!!"

July 26th, 2016
Chad Cooper was a tremendous host and we had a ton of fun...

Here is the link to watch or listen in:
Brad Szollose Cross generational Talent Development

Or go to this link:

I apologize as the platform didn't support my video but DID support my PowerPoint and allowed me step through just can't see me.

Enjoy watching and as always, I enjoy your feedback.

Anyways, lessons learned to NEVER give up, and sometimes you get blessed with something amazing.

Thank you for your support. See you on the next post...

3. Became a Faculty Member at The American Management Association.

In the summer of 2015 I was asked to give my Cracking The Millennial Code workshop in upstate NY at the Leadership Forum at Silver Bay.

Several people in attendance asked me to give presentations  at their individual companies. 

But what really became a mind-blowing experience for me is unbeknown to me one individual in attendance created curriculum for the American Management Association. 

One thing led to another and I started helping with their Next Generation leadership training. So grateful...dates are already solidified across America for 2017.

4. Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition 

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition on AmazonMy dream has been to put together an awesome book that breaks through the Generational Stereotypes that are prevalent today...mainly to present Millennials in a new light; hardworking entrepreneurs who are crushing it not just in business, but in work/life balance and even spiritual unfoldment.

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition did just that. We released the Kindle version on November 13th 2016, it hit number 1 on Amazon by the end of the day in 2 categories. BUT, it was the following three weekends that astounded me...the paperback edition reached number 3 for 3 weekends in a row!!!

#1 Bestseller on Amazon for the 4th book in the Journeys to Success series isn't half bad. And it continues to outsell the other titles in the series.

From The Amazon overview: 
"Journeys To Success: The Millennial Edition is the fourth volume in this extraordinary book series. If you are looking for real-life stories that break the stereotype of today's younger digital natives, this is the book for you.

Time to get rid of your Generational Stereotypes.
Each author recounts their personal experiences, and sacred moments of complete and utter failure...and the wisdom gained and the lessons learned that gave them the strength to dramatically shift their mindset.

Based on the success principles of Napoleon Hill, each author begins their story from the worst moment in their lives--the turning point--revealing the driving force behind what they do today to make this world a better place.

Award-winning business author Brad Szollose and Napoleon Hill Instructor Tom Cunningham bring together 21 of the most extraordinary Millennials ever assembled for a deep dive into what it takes to be successful.

Believe this is a generation of coddled brats that need emotional stroking to get through life? Guess again.

Get ready for an eye-opening journey. Whatever your current circumstances or life situation, the stories in Journeys to Success: Volume 4: The Millennial Edition will deeply connect and shed light on the fact that this generation is mentally tough, unwilling to play it safe and doing big things.

And we warn you in advance: this book contains strong language and intense situations that would crush a less developed soul. A must read gift for anyone who wants to understand Millennial Thinking.

Authors include: Lacey Ann Moen-Rubleski, Ryan D. Kelly, David Benzaquen, Chad De Luca, Andrew Fayad & Simon Casuto, Katrina Lockard, Sebastian Edmond, Mark Jackson II, Sara Gabriella, David Torres, Danielle Rubenfeld, Gabriel Garcia, Adam Hommey, Kristi Crum, Lee Constantine, Sania Jamil, Chris Ake, Jay Patel, Kirk Holmes and Carmelo "Scotty" Ramos.

Foreword by Brad Szollose
Introduction by Tom "too tall" Cunningham"

Hope you pick up a copy and enjoy the stories...

Audio Book is on its way;-)

5. Published 7 Books in 2016. 

At the beginning of this year Tom Cunningham approached me and asked if I could design the book cover for a book he was working on. This was his third book and he wasn't happy with the caliber of design he was getting. I was supposed to design ONE book, but wound up being creative director for a bigger project.

Working with Tom and John Westley Clayton of John Westley Publishing, we've started to realize after that first Journeys to Success, we were onto something BIG.

EACH has been a #1 Bestseller on Amazon and Journeys to Success Volume 1 contains a story of mine (struggling to form a startup), Journeys to Success Volume 2 contains a story from my wife Norma. Along with the above mentioned Journeys to Success The Millennial Edition which has the stories of 21 of today's Millennials including my nephew Sebastian. 

2017 titles are already in production.

I know this sounds cliched but let's have an even more amazing 2017....

Thank you for your support my friends.

Brad Szollose
Global Management Consultant
Cross Generational Leadership Development & Workforce Performance Strategies
Executive Coach

Brad Szollose (pronounced zolis), is a globally recognized Management Consultant and the foremost authority on Millennials and Cross-Generational Leadership Development Strategies.

 Brad Szollose Preparing The Next Generation of C-Level LeadersTEDX Speaker, Web pioneer and the author of the award-winning, bestseller Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia, Brad is a former C-level executive of a publicly traded company that he cofounded that went from entrepreneurial start-up to IPO in three years; the first Dot Com Agency to go public on NASDAQ. His company K2 Design, experienced 425% hyper-growth, due in part to a unique management style that won his company the Arthur Andersen NY Enterprise Award for Best Practices in Fostering Innovation.
Today the world’s leading business publications seek out Brad’s insights on Millennials, and he has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, New York Magazine, Inc., Advertising Age, The International Business Times, and The Hindu BusinessLine to name a few, along with television, radio and podcast appearances on CBS and other media outlets. 

Brad's programs have transformed a new generation of business leaders, helping them maximize their corporate culture, expectations, productivity, and sales growth in The Information Age. 

Pick Up Brad's new book...

Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition. 

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Journeys to Success: The Millennial Edition.

Brad Szollose Bio:


Who Is Brad Szollose?: 

Brad Szollose, host of Awakened Nation®
First things, first. How do you say Szollose?
It’s pronounced zol-us.

From founding partner and CMO of K2 Design, Inc. the first Digital Agency to go public on NASDAQ to international leadership development expert, Brad Szollose has worked with household names like MasterCard, American Management Association and Tony Robbins, to create leadership training programs for a new generation.

As an award-winning creative director, he has been the creative force behind hundreds of high-end corporate events, personal and consumer brands, and website launches. Brad is the recipient of the Corporate Identity Design Award and the Axiom Business Book Award along with various awards for website and print design.

Brad's unique management model was awarded the Arthur Andersen New York Enterprise Award for Best Practices in Fostering Innovation Amongst Employees (Workforce Culture).

Today, the world’s leading business publications seek out Brad’s insights on next-generation leadership development, branding and modern Management Strategies, and he has been featured (both print and online versions) in Forbes, Inc., Advertising Age, USA Today, New York Magazine, The Huffington Post, International Business Times, Le Journal du Dimanche (France), and The Hindu Business Line to name a few, along with television, radio and podcast appearances on CGTN America, CBS, Roku Network and other media outlets.

Brad continues to challenge the status quo with the 10th Anniversary Edition of Liquid Leadership, and his new podcast, Awakened Nation®: a Deep Dive into Extraordinary Conversations.

After 35 years in New York City, he now splits his time between Las Vegas and Denver. In his free time, he enjoys hiking in the mountains, working Star Trek quotes into everyday conversation, and painting and drawing the stunning landscape of the American Southwest and The Rocky Mountains.